Chairs – Key features of the Glide-Tec chair

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The Glide-Tec chair enables body to recline without significant alteration of hand position Movement without distance: The hands remain at the workplace. A task chair mechanism allowing movement without the use of force Movement without the use of force: Free and unrestricted movement without having to fight against the force of a spring.
Glide-Tec chairs allow a constant change between a hollow back to a flatter back posture Movement without a rigid back: The constant change between a hollow back to a flatter back posture. The chair backrest adjusts itself automatically to the natural changes in the form of the spine. Movement without an incorrect posture: The form of the backrest adjusts itself automatically to the natural changes in the form of the spine.
A chair mechanism with allows movement without forcing neck tension Movement without the neck tension: No over-extension of the neck when reclining. A task chair which allows movement without a complicated adjustment mechanism Movement without a complicated adjustment mechanism: Simple to operate
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